Friday Feature: Josiah

This week's Friday Feature is on our quality manager, Josiah! He's been with us for five years now, since December of 2012.
Josiah learned about PSR through Errol’s (our CEO's) youngest brother Andrew. He says that his favorite thing about the company is: "The employees, the management and the laid-back atmosphere. The ability to listen to music while we work makes it really enjoyable!"
When asked if he enjoys working with his coworkers, Josiah responded, "I do enjoy working with my coworkers! They are mostly all friendly and pretty personable. I like them enough to spend time with some outside of work, haha, and have even worked with a few who I knew prior to them working with me."
Regarding his favorite project he's worked on since being on the team, Josiah says, "Rearranging our manufacturing space was a fun project. It provided a change of pace and the ability to more effectively produce and package product. Going to an abandoned business center to acquire cubicle walls was fun too!" On a day to day basis, he says an ideal work weekday looks like, "I start at 8am and I primarily work with and manage a team of a couple guys on our 2nd and 3rd production lines. On Mondays I set up our weekly outbound shipments, deciding what and how much to send, and help to plan out our production schedule for the upcoming weeks. I reconcile our supplies shipments with the packing lists when we receive those and lock up the facility at the end of the workday."
We asked Josiah if he saw himself working here for the next 5 - 10 years. He replied, "Yes, I could see myself working here for the next 5-10 years. I love the values that the company holds and the team we have built here! We are growing rapidly and there is always room to improve." To tag onto that question, we also asked if he felt that PSR was helping to further his goals. Josiah said, "I would say yes. I’ve always struggled with knowing exactly what I wanted to do for work. However, working here has helped me to develop in my leadership and I think it will continue to do so overall. I realize that wherever you are working, there are things that you can grow in and work on in yourself and that personal growth will help you no matter what goals you have."
Lastly, we wanted to know what Josiah would you say to someone who was interested in applying to work at Print.Save.Repeat. His advice was, "I would say, don’t hesitate to apply! It’s a great company to work for and it can be very fun. As long as you come with an attitude to learn and work hard you will do well here. If you care enough about something bigger than yourself and helping the customer, then this is the place for you. You might even catch Andy (a manufacturing coworker) dancing and singing. Trust me, it’s a treat!"
Thanks for answering our questions Josiah! To our readers, thanks for checking out this week's Friday Feature! Stay tuned for upcoming informative blog posts and check out our product list here.