Friday Feature: Ryan

This week's Friday Feature is on the newest member of our office team, Ryan! Ryan's been with Print.Save.Repeat for almost 2 years now, having started in September 2015; however, until the last few weeks, he's only been in manufacturing!
We asked Ryan to describe both of his jobs (manufacturing and office work), and he said: "Currently, I work between the manufacturing line, where I help make sure all of the products we sell are up to snuff before they are shipped, and inside the office, where I service customers on our website and assist the team with data entry."
He learned about PSR through a friend, who happens to be one of our manufacturing workers, John. Ryan says, "I jumped at the chance to work for a smart, upcoming business."
We asked Ryan what three words he would use to describe the work culture at Print.Save.Repeat. This is important to us because we want to ensure that our employees, as well as our customers, understand our values and how much we care about both. Ryan's answer was, "Committed, enthusiastic, and inspiring." We love that Ryan's experiencing this in our work culture!
One of the reasons we want to promote teamwork is because we believe it enhances coworker relationships and in turn improves the company. According to TIME magazine, 51% of employees stay at their current jobs because they get along with coworkers. It's important to us for our employees to be able to be team-players! Because of this, a tricky question we often ask our employees is whether or not they enjoy working with their coworkers. Ryan's response to this question is: "I have a great dynamic with all of my coworkers. It was a rough start at first, but across the two years here I have grown to be fond of every person, especially now that I work in both worlds: the manufacturing and the office teams."
At Print.Save.Repeat, our mission is to equip employees to be able to work for us long-term, or to learn skill sets in order to be a stepping stone on to their future endeavors. We wanted to know if Ryan could foresee himself working here for the next 5-10 years; he responded: "I don’t exactly know where my career will be in 5 to 10 years. I hope to be a published writer by that point; writing novels and screenplays is my passion and that is my ultimate career goal." For as long as he works here, we hope to be a great work support system for Ryan!
A related question to the last one, we asked if Ryan believed he would be able to reach his full potential working at Print.Save.Repeat. He answered, "I believe Print.Save.Repeat has grown me to be a finer worker than I was 2 years ago, for sure. There is always room for growth and the moment I start thinking there is no more potential is the moment I start wasting it." This kind of mentality is what we love at PSR!
Lastly, we asked what Ryan would say to someone who was interested in working here. His recommendation would be, "You should leave your ego at the door every morning when you clock-in. That is the best advice I can give in any professional environment. We spend so much time together, we can’t work well when even one person is acting selfish."
Thanks for answering our questions, Ryan! To our readers, thanks for checking out the latest Friday Feature! Head over to our website to check out more blog posts and our newest products!